Wow, where has the time gone. I feel like Christmas was just a couple weeks ago, not almost a whole month ago. We have had a really good weekend at home. We have played & played.
On Saturday night we had a special treat of Jack's Birthday party. At the party was Teddy who is almost a year old and decided to take his first steps from his mommy to his Grandpa. It was so exciting, but scary to think that Gray is close to being that little boy! I don't need him walking so soon!
Yesterday Gray decided it was time to learn to walk around the furniture, and boy has he accomplished that quickly! He has been so mischievous this weekend. He knows that he needs to stay away from the radio and gate, but I don't know if he loves us yelling "Gray, NO" or he loves us coming and picking him up to move him. Regardless of what we do, he smiles & giggles the whole time. It's really hard not to smile back at him he is so cute.
Today we had a play date with Grace (& her mommy Angie). We had lots of fun playing with her toys. Gray really loved her drums and her exersaucer with all her different toys on it. They are so cute together as you can see in the photo. (Gray in yellow is Dec, Gray in Gray is today)
Well it's back to work tomorrow for us, and I think Gray will be happy to be back at day-care with all the other kids.
We are hoping for a short winter, because we are getting stir crazy here!